Walking around the Les Corts neighbourhood of Barcelona I saw very many palms, knowing that this climate is not that suitable for the palms. But also could see some new planting as well as some decades older.
La livistona és una palmera d’origen xinès, de creixement lentíssim, fulles en forma de ventall i tronc un xic recorbat, d’aspecte molt particular. A finals del segle passat, tenir un exemplar de livistona al jardí era senyal inequívoc de distinció, elegància i bon gust. Avui al pati de l’Ateneu Barcelonès, la silueta inconfusible de la livistona, d’extraordinari desenvolupament, en parterres sobrealçats amb recobriment de ceràmica a l’entorn d’un brollador
central, perpetua, com una veritable peça de museu, l’ambient de l’època.
La palmera blava és endèmica de Baixa Califòrnia i Mèxic i es considera la palmera amb les fulles més blavoses. Situada en un parterre de la plaça de Pius XII, en plena Diagonal, es considera una espècie de creixement lent.
When I told my cuban sister Bety about the palm trees and sent her a photo of it, she said, please the next time you see a palm tree, you must talk to it.
She had given me a red and black bead necklace for protection blessed by the priest of the afro cuban religion. She felt that the palm trees on touch with the blessed necklace would recognize the presence of Chango and would listen to me.
Dutifully as I walking along the long Diagonal street, I saw a palm tree and did what my sister asked me to do.
I wanted to think of so many people
the many friends in Myanmar Cambodia Malaysia Iran Austria and Cuba and family in various parts of the world..
Palm trees always had the calming effect upon me.
Nice to see that they are planting more Palm trees around Barcelona.
La livistona és una palmera d’origen xinès, de creixement lentíssim, fulles en forma de ventall i tronc un xic recorbat, d’aspecte molt particular. A finals del segle passat, tenir un exemplar de livistona al jardí era senyal inequívoc de distinció, elegància i bon gust. Avui al pati de l’Ateneu Barcelonès, la silueta inconfusible de la livistona, d’extraordinari desenvolupament, en parterres sobrealçats amb recobriment de ceràmica a l’entorn d’un brollador
central, perpetua, com una veritable peça de museu, l’ambient de l’època.
La palmera blava és endèmica de Baixa Califòrnia i Mèxic i es considera la palmera amb les fulles més blavoses. Situada en un parterre de la plaça de Pius XII, en plena Diagonal, es considera una espècie de creixement lent.
When I told my cuban sister Bety about the palm trees and sent her a photo of it, she said, please the next time you see a palm tree, you must talk to it.
She had given me a red and black bead necklace for protection blessed by the priest of the afro cuban religion. She felt that the palm trees on touch with the blessed necklace would recognize the presence of Chango and would listen to me.
Dutifully as I walking along the long Diagonal street, I saw a palm tree and did what my sister asked me to do.
I wanted to think of so many people
the many friends in Myanmar Cambodia Malaysia Iran Austria and Cuba and family in various parts of the world..
Palm trees always had the calming effect upon me.
Nice to see that they are planting more Palm trees around Barcelona.