samedi 1 juin 2019


My little island of Cuba is blessed with wonderful people and I can count many good friends there.
BQ is so unselfish and goes out of the way to help other people and I am one of the many recipients of her generosity. With me she has gone the extra by adopting me as her brother, she calls me hermanito, so has other members of her family. I am very grateful to have found such a good friend in Cuba. She is also my landlady. 
I prayed for her health physical and emotional. Cubans can sometimes be cruel with their jealousy especially when a person is so good as BQ with possibilities of helping others.
I decided to pray for her at Chauk Htat Gyi pagoda.

It is a custom that when you pray and see whether the spirits have granted your wish. After the prayer you lift the round stone and if it has been granted it would feel lighter.

Myanmar sacred stones believed to predict future can usually be seen in religious places such as temples, pagodas, stupas and monasteries. The shape of the stone is as common as round or oval. Generally, its size is not too large, approximately 20 -30 cm in diameter. What is interesting is its surface, which is totally smooth, maybe due to the natural process or the frictions from the prayers’ touches over time. The stone is placed on a flat slab which resembles a platter. You can also find the wishing stone at the base of Lord Buddha image or sometimes it lies right at a certain corner of a pagoda. Some stones are plain, some are painted with gold color or silver.
Praying and asking from the stone is a form of self-invocation. Be careful not to take it as a joke. As the saying goes ‘believe makes everything’, you may get what you believe in. Most of Burmese people also believe that guardian spirits live in the religious places where sacred stones are kept and that they can help support life in different ways.
Ready to make a wish or ask the stone? First, just sit down near the stone in a comfortable manner and think of what you want to ask. The question should be a close ended (yes-no) question. For instance, after asking in mind “Will I pass my exam?” then try to lift up the stone with both hands. If your wish is to become true, you will feel that the stone is unusually light but, if it is not to come true, it will be unshakably heavy.
Burmese people usually make a wish to their spirits before they try to seek for the answer from the stone. You can also try by saying “Dear Lord, if what I have wished now is to be true, may this stone be as light as feather as I lift it, if not, may it be unshakable.”
Despite wishes and prays that people make to the so-called sacred stone, let me quote one famous Buddha sayings: “Believe nothing no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I (Buddha) have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense”. I think such saying is a good reminder as to what extend you can let you faith lead how to make a decision in life. At the end of the day, it’s you who decide to make something happen or stop it from happening when you put best effort in it.

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