mardi 29 juin 2021


 I am not sure which one of my professors at the University of Melbourne teaching hospital told me: Choose a specialty that suits your personality. I had observed the various Internal Medicine specialties while I was a student in London, England and Miami, Florida and took note of the various restrictions the lack of time their specialty placed on their lifestyles.

It was Professor TJ Jack Martin who welcomed me into the world of Endocrinology, later Professor Richard Gordon.

As I rotated through various Specialties, I liked Cardiology, Gastroenterology, General Medicine, Rheumatology, Nephrology. I wanted a specialty where I would be allowed to think to solve a problem and make the diagnosis and I was not interested too much in the invasion of the body of the patient.

at the Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, I rounded up my education as an Endocrinologist under the watchful eyes of Drs. Reese, Fishman, Cleveland and a long list of mentors.

When I qualified as an Endocrinologist, it was time to go home to Australia. 

A chance meeting (no such thing as chance really) with a traditional tribe of Indians of North America, took away from an academic career to the world of the Indigenous people. 

What all I had learned through my medical education in London, Melbourne, Brisbane and Miami had not prepared me to deal successfully with the Indigenous peoples. Observing me working with the Lakota people of South Dakota, she suggested that the Medical Anthropology Programme at Brunel University of London would be so appropriate for my usefulness in the future. 

I was back in London

Covid 19 sees me back in the Americas.

I spent this morning with a group of traditional Indians, learning while providing some medical care. I am the one who is richer by the contact. 

We sat down around a table in the traditional hut and i checked their BP and Blood Sugar and also checked them for any cause of discomfort or anxiety, and answered their questions.

For the Indigenous people, what one has to get across, without words, is that you care for them genuinely and that their health is a common project: It will be cruel to tell them, Eat well, Exercise. 

One of them was proud to show me his Blood Sugar readings for the past two weeks.  Quite a good result, indeed.

I was traveling with a man beyond his age in traditional knowledge and also was going to help me get across health information, couched in terms and words, that make sense to his people.

The medicine man said: we are supposed to be in touch, literally, with the earth that we stand upon and also all others that share that earth, such as trees.

He said something very interesting. It is so important for us to touch the leaves and talk to the trees. He said, the trees and leaves like it and they would inform their neighbours that here is a good man and we must look after him. Normally when I am here I pray for three people, one in Brasil, one in Cuba and the other in France. But today, i concentrated on just one person, while i was talking to the palm tree. Royal Palm also represents the Spirit Xango for the Cubans in the Island.

I joined the others and we chatted a little while and it was time for a walk through the virgin forest surrounding their home. A path had been laid by the US Govt, so one can walk comfortably 
On my way over to the Parque National,I  was listening to the BBC World Service. It has a long section on Bears, their conflicts with humans and what to do when you do come across a bear on your path: Dont Run, stay still, if you have a claxton, which we carried, sound it, and the bear will avoid you. Believe it or not, they do not want to know you...what have we done for them?
A vulture was drying his wings high up in the tree. Vultures dont elicit the revulsion it does among the settler people. For the Indians, Vultures are seen as helpers as they tried to shield the Indians from the Sun when it was descending and thus lost all the hair in the head and neck.
I went counter clockwise around this tree and touched its trunk. Thus introducing myself.
While they look like stumps, they are extremely hard and damaging to your body if you are not careful.

After a walk, we came across a large natural pond, surrounded by vegetations native to this area. The elephant ear looking leaves are called Alligator Flags.
I had "befriended" some alligators in this area before, and had named them Francois the gentle one and Napoleão the fierce one. I called out BonJour and no one answered and I dared not say Bom Dia, afraid that the fierce and nasty Napoleão might be around

The health of the medicine people also matter, so in the company of the Indians we walked and chatted while observing the flora of the region. and not to forget insects such as Water bugs.
I had spoken far too soon, a movement in the water raised our alertness and who should appear, none other than the fierce, wicked, evil Napoleão!
Not knowing his intentions, we skirted around him, giving him wide berth, and went back to the camp.
We had spent a pleasant 37 minutes walking at the edge of the hammock, looking at something which must have been here for centuries.
The people in this camp are health conscious and it was a pleasure to talk to them about Food, activity couched in cultural idiom.

All of us felt good, the medicine man, me, the family at the camp. Later one of them wrote to me and said: I had a good day.

Satisfying work day for an Endocrinologist.

It was raining cats and dogs and when i got back to where I was staying, i had to wait out the pouring rain, but was good to watch the batch of 8 ducklings I have been following on a daily basis .. They were so happy to waddle in the rain water..

dimanche 27 juin 2021



No need for me to add a commentary. Al Jazeera reporting from Havana, Cuba. Not the usual vitriol from Miami.

Just a small comparison

La Habana is a centre of Medical Innovation, such as these Vaccines that are being rolled out.

Miami is the centre of Medical Fraud, up to 50 per cent of all Medical frauds committed in the USA  originate in Miami.

dimanche 20 juin 2021


the geography of the region, island of Hormuz, Oman and Ras-al-Khaimah in the UAE 

This blog was written in response to a question from Abu Dhabi in UAE regarding the Arab Origins of some of the coastal Keralites working in the Gulf.

Kerala coast had been visited by mainly Arab and Jewish traders from the Middle East for centuries. Many of the traders would stay in the ports for many years and many of them took local wives. Mappilai muslims of Malabar trace their ancestry to arab admixture.

On a personal note, I cannot help noting the physiognomy of the people of coastal Kerala and the strong resemblance of the early christians to the Yemenite Jews and the Muslims to the Arabs of Mesopotamia.


We are always grateful for friends from yore who introduced us to books or poems or countries or ways of thinking. We are the collective expressions of so many of those experiences.

Who told me about Kavafy and his poem ITHACA ? Certainly I was exposed to it as a student either in Australia or Sweden.

Constantine P. Cavafy, English in full Constantine Petrou Cavafy, pseudonym of Konstantínos Pétrou Kaváfis, (born April 29, 1863, Alexandria, Egypt—died April 29, 1933, Alexandria), Greek poet who developed his own consciously individual style and thus became one of the most important figures not only in Greek poetry but in Western poetry as well. He lived most of his life in Alexandria, Egypt, loved English and French literature, and generally spoke English; even his Greek had a British accent.

part of the poem:

Keep Ithaka always in your mind.
Arriving there is what you’re destined for.
But don’t hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts for years,
so you’re old by the time you reach the island,
wealthy with all you’ve gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaka to make you rich.

Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.
Without her you wouldn't have set out.
She has nothing left to give you now.

And if you find her poor, Ithaka won’t have fooled you.
Wise as you will have become, so full of experience,

you’ll have understood by then what these Ithakas mean. 

what stood out in my mind at that time was that ITHAKA like life itself or a spiritual quest, is not a destination but the journey.

Arriving at the new port for the first time,  looking around and feeling with a sense of joy that you are supposed to be there is such a fantastic sensation.

On my journey to Ithaka, I have had that sensation more than once

Baracoa, Cuba

Paraty, RJ, Brésil

and one town relevant to this blog, 

Levuka in the island of Oavalu in Fiji.

If I remember correctly, having done that trip more than once, you take a bus from Suva to Natovi Landing  and then catch a ferry for the ride to the Levuka Port. and I remember taking a propeller plane to the airstrip in Oavalu and catching a ride on a lorry to the town over dirt roads and dense jungle. Whatever your mode of transport, you would never be too far away from lush jungle.

Levuka is famous for many of Fiji's "firsts." It was the site of Fiji's first bank, post office, school, private members club, hospital, town hall, and municipal government. Fiji's first newspaper, the Fiji Times, which is still in operation today, was founded in Levuka in 1869. Levuka's Royal Hotel is the oldest hotel in the South Pacific still operating. Historians have not ascertained its exact age, but records show that it was in existence by the early 1860s. Levuka Public School, opened in 1879, was the first public school in Fiji and many of Fiji's leaders in the years leading up to and following independence in 1970 were educated there. The oldest Masonic lodge in the South Pacific, Lodge Polynesia 562 SC, is also to be found in Levuka. It was established in 1875. Levuka was also the site of Fiji's first public electricity system, which began in 1927, three days before the capital Suva was electrified. from WIKI

Walking along the main street with shop fronts unchanged for decades, an old man approached me and introduced himself to me.

I am 90 years old, I remember his face very clearly to this day, but alas do not remember his name and he was one of the last indentured labourers from India to arrive in Fiji which had begun 100 years earlier. I would look for him on my subsequent visits and once was told that he had passed away. I remember his toothless smile and thick glasses and eagerness to be photographed.

Sitting at the patio of the Royal Hotel, looking at the town of Levuka, sipping something agreeable, and thinking of Somerset Maugham .. a nice afternoon in Levuka 

That is the day LEO AFRICANUS entered my life.

Two other travellers shared the Royal Hotel with me. Royal Hotel by then was the grand lady, having survived the turbulent history of the past century, not as elegant as her sister hotel in Suva, the Grand Pacific Hotel.

Memory plays tricks on us, I clearly remember the name of one but not the face and the face of the other but not the name. Merce from Catalunya was reading a book Leo Africanus .. Thus entered into my Amin Malouf, the Lebanese writer who now lives in Paris. 

As soon as I returned to my cosmopolitan lodgings in Australia, I looked for and found a copy of Leo Africanus. I dont think I spoke Spanish at that time, but many years later I acquired a copy of the book in Spanish as welll, all lost to a broken fawcet in a house in the isolated Indian reservation. 

But the interest and the influence is not forgotten.

Leo Africanus
Scholars at an Abbasid library. Illustration by Yahyá al-Wasiti, 1237. 
Bibliotheque Nationale de France.

I, Hasan the son of Muhammad the weigh-master, I, Jean-Leon de Medici, circumcised at the hand of a barber and baptized at the hand of a pope, I am now called the African, but I am not from Africa, nor from Europe, nor from Arabia. I am also called the Granadan, the Fassi, the Zayyati, but I come from no country, from no city, no tribe. I am the son of the road, my country is the caravan, my life the most unexpected of voyages." Thus wrote Leo Africanus, in his fortieth year, in this imaginary autobiography of the famous geographer, adventurer, and scholar Hasan al-Wazzan, who was born in Granada in 1488. His family fled the Inquisition and took him to the city of Fez, in North Africa. Hasan became an itinerant merchant, and made many journeys to the East, journeys rich in adventure and observation. He was captured by a Sicilian pirate and taken back to Rome as a gift to Pope Leo X, who baptized him Johannes Leo. While in Rome, he wrote the first trilingual dictionary (Latin, Arabic and Hebrew), as well as his celebrated Description of Africa, for which he is still remembered as Leo Africanus.

Image: Yahyá al-Wasiti, Scholars at an Abbasid library, 1237. Bibliotheque Nationale de France.

I am forever grateful for that introduction to Leo Africanus at the Royal Hotel in Levuka in the island of Oavalu in Fiji Islands. Suva was one of the towns I had thought of living for a while but now the images of the streets of Suva recede into oblivion.
But what I would not do, do spend an evening at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva !!
Whether I am headed to Suva or Baracoa or Paraty (this is more likely) I will keep these lines from Leo Africanus 

I come from no country, from no city, no tribe. I am the son of the road, my country is the caravan, my life the most unexpected of voyages.

I will travel endlessly, untiringly, excitedly, patiently, passionately until I too become Yehuda Australis...I wait for you in Paraty.

Poem by Pablo Neruda.  Pido Silencio

Ahora me dejen tranquilo.
Ahora se acostumbren sin mí.
Yo voy a cerrar los ojos
Y sólo quiero cinco cosas,
cinco raices preferidas.
Una es el amor sin fin.
Lo segundo es ver el otoño.
No puedo ser sin que las hojas vuelen
y vuelvan a la tierra.
Lo tercero es el grave invierno,
la lluvia que amé,
la caricia del fuego en el frío silvestre.
En cuarto lugar el verano redondo
como una sandía.
La quinta cosa son tus ojos,
Matilde mía, bienamada,
no quiero dormir sin tus ojos,
no quiero ser sin que me mires:
yo cambio la primavera por que tú me sigas mirando.


 I have had two days of absolute tranquility, calm and mental balance. No one else is in this house, I have my coffee at the patio looking at the green scenery outside. I eat simple meals, with no meat but lots of food that my microbiomes like. No hurry to do anything, but read what I want to read, write a little and of course keeping in touch with my good friends from around the world.

Today has been an exceptionally good day, a day with absolutely no anxiety or stress, no visitors, no telephone calls, did not go out.

a little bit of yoga, a little bit of meditation. communication with my good friends in Cuba which always brings joy. 

I began noticing something about my thinking and also a sensation which was much more than calm inside. I do lead a relatively stress free life for a person living in the west, but my mind was very much in balance.

A friend from the Middle East had asked a question and I wrote a long reply, and I felt that my thinking capacity had improved and that my words were precise and my thoughts logical. I was happy but i did not connect the clarity of my thoughts to the tranquility i have been experiencing for the two days. 

so it was nice to listen to this brief video from the Indian mystic, Sadhguru, about joy in the heart and the clarity of thinking.

So, grateful for all the friends and family for the past several months, since March 2020 when I had to cancel my trips abroad (Germany, Austria, France, Israel, Brasil, Cuba), for the company and the pleasure of being together virtually 





Cochin, India 













and especially Brasil.

and lately,



mercredi 9 juin 2021


 I have been marooned in Miami, unable to travel since March 2020, except for a trip to Cuba. Certainly I have taken advantage of this imposed isolation and put my brain to use. While the brain worked, helped many others (counseling and healing), the absence of friends and visits began to take its toll. I estimate that 100 per cent of us have been psychologically affected by this pandemic. I am forever grateful that this isolation was carried out under a secure roof, comfort from my adopted sister and brother in Miami with no insecurity about food and also the fact that Miami, while part of the Banana Republic run by fascist elements of an immigrant population, is still part of the Democracy of the United States. 

Imagine you had to spend this year and half in totalitarian states or autocratic states or where there is war and ravages (Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq).. think of Ukraine, Myanmar, Malaysia, Philippines, India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Nepal/SriLanka...these are extreme cases of autocracy or poverty or neglected health services. 

One country stands out and apart, where the suffering which has been constant since 1979 but with exacerbations and lately with sanctions imposed, an economic crisis beyond imagination.

The country is IRAN. a country very close to me, made into a reality by a father who had lived in Iran and had supported a popular leader of an uprising many decades ago. But my memory of Iran, having never visited Iran, is through the friends I have made, books I have read .. especially poetry. Once Internet was available, i was able to learn more about modern Persian poetry as well as the Iranian music both old and traditional as well as popular and new.

My love for Iran grew by leaps and bounds since 2010 when I began being in touch with friends inside Iran on a regular basis.

One of the casualties of this isolation has been the News Media and the fake news they spread, regardless of their nationalities. Apart from New York Times the newspapers of the major cities with possible exceptions in Washington or Los Angeles are not worth reading, more like gossip yellow journalism. But fortunately The Economist, the best news magazine in the world in my opinion is available on line and more importantly, during the long drives, BBC world news service keeps you abreast of what is happening and its reporting is as neutral as you are going to find in any part of the world. 

This morning, there was a conversation with three women living inside Iran, all well versed in English.

I felt immensely sad. What came through in those voices: frustration, hopelessness, dislike of the government regulations and the religious obligations, fear about the economy, disappointment that dreams may be shattered. All of them want to emigrate. These are educated young women who have dreams like their counterparts living in Belgium or California, but the frustration was so apparent in their voices.

The entire interview, 50 minutes long, is available until 8th July and there will be more on this series this month on BBC. 

I feel compelled to bring a little cheer to the lives of my Iranian friends, none of whom can travel at the moment and no one would advise me to travel to Iran, now or in the near future.

We have to see poetry and music in adversity. A friend of mine sent a photo and some words which soothes all Iranian hearts,

the note that accompanied it said: My fathers funeral ❤️

I was not sure what to make of this, until the explanation arrived:

It was a daughter's lament:

She said that why you have chosen the earth? Is it warmer than my hugs? So why did you go ?

It is such poetry and emotions that make me love Iran. 

Heart full of Saudade (my favourite portuguese word)

Fal e Hafez 

Ask Hafez 

Hafez's Ghazals are more read than even Quran in Iran, People seek solace in his words.

This time I was not searching for an answer but an explanation of my sentiments. Hafez is figurative and from his answer you can see the strength of my love for Iran.

هزار دشمنـم ار می‌کنند قصد هـلاک

گرم تو دوستی از دشمـنان ندارم باک

مرا امید وصال تو زنده می‌دارد

و گر نه هر دمم از هجر توست بیم هلاک

نفـس نفـس اگر از باد نشنوم بویش

زمان زمان چو گل از غم کنم گریبان چاک

رود به خواب دو چشم از خیال تو هیهات

بود صـبور دل اندر فراق تو حاشاک

اگر تو زخم زنی به کـه دیگری مرهـم

و گر تو زهر دهی به کـه دیگری تریاک

بـضرب سیفـک قتـلی حیاتـنا ابدا

لان روحی قد طاب ان یکون فداک

عنان مپیچ که گر می‌زنی به شمشیرم

سـپر کنم سر و دستت ندارم از فتراک

تو را چنان که تویی هر نـظر کـجا بیند

به قدر دانش خود هر کسی کند ادراک

بـه چشم خلق عزیز جهان شود حافظ

کـه بر در تو نهد روی مسکنت بر خاک

Here the figure of speech (like in many Persian poems, where alcohol might represent a love of the divine,) I sense the passion for what we conceive in my imagination of my creation of a just world of letters and sensations. What I want today is that justice displayed as love and passion in the above ghazal be available as hope, confidence, fulfillment of dreams for all Iranians.

vendredi 4 juin 2021


 I am a Physician specializing in Endocrinology, the study of the metabolism and also the hormones. We can measure the levels of many hormones in the body necessary for smooth functioning of the metabolism and tend to supplement when the hormones are low or absent ( Hypothyroidism when you are given Thyroxine or when a hormone is absent, as in Type 1 Diabetes), there are conditions when they are too much as well. 

When you visit these United States of America, you would be impressed with very many things, including the amount of vitamins, supplements and other things (Turmeric is the darling now) they swallow. Why are they insisting on gluten free stuff if they do not have gluten intolerance? No one says I will drink Lactose free milk but it is good to drink it if you have lactose intolerance which is quite common. 

Americans are very good at selling things and promoting things. USA is full of exercise gurus, nutrition gurus, finance gurus and most of them are not qualified but they know how to MARKET it and EXPORT it. 

While they put so much emphasis on physical exercise and jogging and running and cardiac exercises and all sorts of gym based exercises, they eat food which is nutritionally garbage and as you can see with their obesity rate. Dont get me wrong, good food is available in the USA and many people eat well but a large proportion eat bad food for various reasons, much of it socio cultural and economic in nature.

A colleague of mine often asks me metabolism related questions and I am glad to oblige and I had requested that she put on a Continuous Glucose Monitor which would give the sugar reading at any time of the day or night 

She exercises a lot (excessively in my opinion) and I was surprised when she showed me her CGM reading.

Before she left home for work, the Blood Sugar was 108 mg/dl very much the normal for her. then I wondered what made the sugar go up nearly a 100 points during the drive from home to work ..You could ask her questions like (most doctors would ask): did you eat something, did you drink some fizzy sugar drink ? But if you an anthropologist, you would say: can you explain why your sugar leapt a 100 mg/dl

The answer was forthcoming. She eats vitamin and food supplements in the form of gummies on her way to work, about 8 of them in total. 

Apart from the sugar and glucose that these vitamins and supplements contain, there must be other chemicals that are not suitable for every one. 

I also believe and substantiated by many studies that many of the supplements are of no value.
on January 2020, Washington Post had an article on supplements:
Every year, Americans spend something like $35 billion on vitamins, minerals, botanicals and various other substances that are touted as health-giving but mostly do nothing at all.Jan 24, 2020. 
For comparison, this is more than the operating budgets of many
developing countries.
But are Americans healthier? No Not at all.. are the vitamin 
chomping and supplement swallowing population outlive the 
other americans who save hundreds of dollars every year by
not buying supplements ?  NO
Studies are coming out demonstrating the harm done by some 
of these popular but not well known supplements,
such as CoQ10.
Pro biotics are also suspect..

So if you suspect yourself having a glucose imbalance in your
body, be a little careful about the vitamins and supplements , they
may not be as innocent as they sound and look and taste..


 Each year millions and millions of people get vaccinated for one of the many dreadful diseases we no longer see, because of the effectiveness of the vaccines. 

But the fake news and misunderstanding and misinformation is also rife, and in many countries, such as Pakistan, being a vaccinator can be a deadly profession.

But never before Covid 19 the world has been divided into a group bent on propagating non scientific and proof less information and the others, which fortunately are in the majority, who follow the scientists. When you have idiots of a grand scale such as the President of Brasil saying that the vaccine might turn you into a Crocodile? or people claiming Microsoft chips are being introduced and a common allegation from many parts of the world including Brasil that the vaccine makes you magnetic.

So I was very amused when a friend of mind from Iran, sent a picture of her sister who had just gotten the coronavirus vaccine and that she has become magnetic and she sent me this photograph.

My friend insisted that the fork did not stick to any of the other members of the family, unvaccinated of course.

I have seen far too many illusions around the world and I certainly would accept if it has something to do with their faith or culture or congruous to their belief systems

But do not expect me to believe that the vaccine had made the recipient magnetic enough to hold a fork!

I went into the kitchen and put fork on my forearm, not the place when i received the vaccine nearly six months ago, lo and behold, the fork stayed there even when my arms were straight and parallel to my body..

It may have to do with many physical explanations but certainly it is not due to magnetism..

My advice is this, while we are swimming in an excess of vaccine in the USA, millions are standing in line or willing to stand in line for days to get their shots. Please get a vaccine, whichever one you can get. We do not have the luxury of picking and choosing.. Just get protected..

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