dimanche 9 août 2020




When the Lebanese population were clamouring for the ageing political elites to step down and President Macron of France was visiting, one of the requests was for France to resume Protectorate Status of Liban! Edward Said must be cringing in his grave as each of the Orientalist states with their placid anti-occidental elocutions were failing

Nor is this an isolated phenomenon

There has been a call for making  ADEN (south Yemen) a British Protectorate.

USA to take over Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, all teetering down on self-destruction.

We can extend the logic; the list of failed states is growing larger

While the population is intelligent and capable, mostly unelected or corrupt officials are neither intelligent nor capable

Instances would include

Iran to be governed by European Union or more correctly protected ..

Protect what ?

In the colonial days it was protection of boundaries or staving off invasion of foreign hordes .

Where the erstwhile colonies have failed is in the Economic management. The economy has become global, the institutions have become global. A mosque in Qom cannot be entrusted to govern the economy of a sophisticated people, they do not have the intellectual capacity, not even as much as Bank of England to carry this task ..

Italian Protectorate of Somalia

Indian Protectorates of Pakistan and Bangladesh, Nepal and Myanmar

Singapore Protectorate of Malaysia

France could take over most of its previous colonies

Comoros, Madagascar, the entire sub Sahelian French speaking countries with the exception of perhaps Gabon and Congo Brazzaville

Belgium protect DR Congo

The British would become busy too

These applies to places where abject poverty prevails due to mismanagement by local corrupt officials, a good example is Lebanon.


The idea is not original as many countries when they were colonies were not educated in the necessities of Global Warming (may create 50-100 million climate refugees by 2050) among many other technological necessities. The intrepid rapid advance of Artificial intelligence would make many of the inhabitants of these failed states fit only for jobs at the menial level .. It is a tragedy waiting to happen, which the religious demagogues have played upon and taken advantage of.


The so-called Globalization benefitted the corrupt officials of Lebanon to amass incredible amounts of wealth while the population slid into poverty and it did not give the population an ability to survive except to emigrate. Emigration will not bring equality and each of these failed nations have to improve the home economic situations whether it is Pakistan or Lebanon or Sudan or Mauritania or .. long list .. It is interesting to notice, incidentally, that the majority of these failed states are Muslim . The connection is not clear but open to interpretation.

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