samedi 9 mai 2020


MONOCLE is one of my favourite magazines and they send a daily sniff of their diverse interests around the world. It is truly international in that you get  an anthropological look into the world we inhabit.
Here is something from today:
Having made her own way in the highly competitive world of Paris fashion, Déborah Sitbon Neuberg, founder of Parisian menswear label De Bonne Facture, says that now is the time to remember your original proposition for what makes your company or product truly different. “All of the trade shows are putting systems in place so that collections can be presented digitally,” said Neuberg, speaking on this week’s episode on Monocle 24’s The Entrepreneurs. “We have to then innovate and be creative in the way that we show the collections,” she adds, citing the example of sending a video of new collections directly to buyers to start one-to-one conversations.
Neuberg also advises to harvest from the strongest relationships you already have. “It’s a time where the closest to us stick around,” she says. “During a crisis period I feel like a gust of wind is taking away all the bad leaves and leaving only healthy trees.”
It is nice to hear this philosophical foray from this innovative fashion designer. American Indians always insist on relationships and their kinship is often defined by the strength of relationship. I am adopted into a family of UmonHon Indians and the kinship I feel and I am shown is genuine and strong.
That brought back from the depths of memory, a saying that I remember from school days, during love stuck adolescent days.
If you love something, let it go. If it returns, it’s yours; if it doesn’t, it wasn’t.
If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were.
I always associated this quote with W.H.Auden, long before I knew his own private lives. It is not his, but I can imagine him saying it.

W H Auden

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