I have had a lifelong fascination with the relationship of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, who I thought influenced my relationships with her boldness and courage and innovation and devotion and intensity. I am forever grateful for my friend from University days in Melbourne, LSF, for introducing me to Simone de Beauvoir and I remember receiving the book The Prime of Life as a gift.
In this part of Paris, one finds two famous cafés associated with these legendary lovers. I think this one was their favourite .
Wonderful place to observe people and it was like a movie in which I was the spectator. I enjoyed my sojourn there..
In between the words of better known writers, there were some originals of the artist himself. This particular one reminded me of an admonishment I received from the Cardiologist Dr Pinkus in Melbourne where I was a Junior Actor.. If you stand out like a sore thumb, you disturb other peoples peace..
I looked around for the creator of such simple pleasures and i did not to look far. By the road side, cocooned in his own shyness was the artist.. a long term resident of Paris but originally from India, Monsieur Yaseen Khan.. I expressed my thanks to him but did not engage in any conversation and moved along propelled by the buoyancy of this wonderful feeling..