mercredi 25 août 2021


My Thalys train crawled into Gare du Nord in Paris and disgorged the eager populace from its belly. I stood in line at the exit and we were being checked by the Police for our Pass Sanitaire.

When I left New York for Brussels, no one asked for Pass Sanitaire or my Vaccination Certificate or a recent PCR test for Covid, but on arrival in France, this was a reminder of the stark difference which exists between the two countries: France takes this virus very seriously.

Should your mask slip a little from your nose, someone or other would remind you of it. You need to show your Pass Sanitaire to go into Cafe, Restaurants or anywhere there are people. In Paris, where restaurants line up the streets, someone comes with their sensor and demands, Pass Sanitaire, SVP? 

Every where you go including bus stops on the street, there are sanitizers and reminders to clean your hands. Never before during the pandemic my hands been this clean ..

Life seemed so normal, French are willing to have their Pass Sanitaire not only to PRESERVE their way of life and more importantly, to protect other FRENCH people. 

On a full moon light, hundreds of lovers on Pont Neuf, restaurants full to capacity , a glass of wine before going to the Seine.. 

but with masks on and also Pass Sanitaire handy..

To leave France, at Orly, you cant even enter the airport if you do not have Pass Sanitaire, then you are checked again for your spanish health papers.. Both countries are very strict about the Covid.. 

In Melbourne, a good friend introduced me to THE PRIME OF LIFE by Simone de Beauvoir.. Nice to enjoy a cup of coffee ..

In our Anthropology lectures, about the BODY, the embodiment of the body, the lecturer used to refer to this painting of Louis XIV who famously said. Le Etat, Ce'st Moi

he did not make any difference between the State and Himself.. Much like many of the 21 century people. Le Iphone, Ce'st Moi..

The iphone has become an Louis XIV extension of the body.. 

In Paris, I discovered Madagascar. A friend of mine and I were discussing about the strange immigration into Madagascar centuries ago.. from Indonesia .. and I began to see Malgache people in the streets of Paris, previously I would have thought of them as Malays or Indonesians or Filipinos..
Same time as the Prime of Life, I remember a movie Les Amants de Pont de Neuf and thus this bridge became part of my imagination.

A history of art PhD student told me the story of Pont Neuf.. the first bridge to be built avross the Seine

Henry IV who had to become a Catholic to rule France as Henry the Great...certainly the bridge is a testament.. with multiple masks lining the upper aspects above the water.. 

At sunset, hundreds of people gather to watch the glorious skies, many lovers, french and European mainly.. a lovely feeling

As French President Emmanuel Macron told the Anti-Vaxxers and Anti-masquers and anti-pass sanitaires.. You have the right to do what you wish, but you do not have the right to make me sick. If you do not wish to obey the public health measures put there for the good of ALL french people, it is you who have to hide and not us, good citizens who are obeying the law and the common sense.

Vive La France
Vive la Pass Sanitaire 
Hope Pass Sanitaire becomes universal
when would Americans open their eyes?


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