mercredi 9 septembre 2009

Food that does not Harm you.. in Paris

If you are interested in my musings about Nutrition and Health, some with a heavy cultural overlay, you can consult
When coming home this evening, I thought, what is that in the food, even things such as Almond crusted croissant, that does not harm your body in Paris whereas a croissant (i must admit they are much larger in the USA) hurts your body with increasing blood sugar?
At Brioche Doree, i bought a Croissant aux amandes for i.55 euro. Couldnt wait to get my nespresso going and viola... it was ready.. before that, I thought I would check my blood sugar, it was 97 mg/dl. Lunch was three hours ago ( Lamb Tajine with couscous, with a very creamy dessert and coffee) and i enjoyed my croissant and coffee and was reading my emails etc.. 45 minutes later my blood sugar was only 102 mg/dl. I am an Endocrinologist, a specialist in metabolism, I can only say that it reflects the ingredients that made that croissant? or the fact that I am happy to be in Paris and eating Croissant and my favourite Nespresso? ( will you believe that in the isolated part of the midwest, where the nearest cafe is 35 miles away, I have a Nespresso machine, with the convertor from 150 volts to 220 volts, which I had to search all over the world and was able to get it in madras, India!). So while you are in Paris, eat and drink to your hearts delight, very soon you might be in countries where eating and drinking may not be that safe.. (USA, UK, Australia... all with great food but easily available food is contaminated!)

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