dimanche 27 septembre 2020


 In just a few hours, the Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, begins. I have been feeling good thinking about my mischpochah: family scattered around the world, including USA Israel Belgium Panama and not to mention friends Cochin, Bauru, KL, Sri Racha, Xiamen,BA and not to mention the UmonHon, Ticuna, Lakota, Meskwakia, Traditional Kickapoo among others..

The fact that these people come to my memory without effort is a wonderful reminder of the relationship, the human tenderness that binds me to each and every one of them. 

Many years ago, when I first arrived in Miami to begin my studies in Endocrinology, I met DR DA who was pursuing a similar career, he was and is from Panama. ( In USA, they have a question, Where are you originally from ? How does a person's place of origin change?). 

I adore genealogy. My Siman Tov brother can trace his ancestry to Spain itself with much mixture along the way, Sarfaty, Azulay (who were advisers to the Kings of Morocco and the current minister of culture of France is an Azulay).

My friend from Panama wrote to wish a safe fast over Yom Kippur and we somehow got to talk about his ancestry.

he wrote: As soon as my grandfather Daniel Morhaim arrives in  Cuba from Sivri, Turkey, he went to Cienfuegos. They mové to a place called La Sierrita, close to Cienfuegos, where they establshed themselves.

In the early 40s they movéd to Havana. In 1947 my mother, who was born in Cienfuegos,  married with my father who traveled from Colón, Panamá.

The young couple established themselves in Colón. My father was the oldest boy of the Rabbi Yosef Abouganem.  My grandfather was born in Mogador, today Essaouira,  Morocco. At young age he moved to Tiberias, and was trained to become a rabbi at Rabbi Meir Bal Hanes yeshiva.

He was a mohel and shohet

 So I have genes from Morocco and from Turkey, Cuba and Panama

My grandmother, from my father side was from Algeria

American Indians say: Mitakuye Oyasin, we are all related . and once you start delving into jewish connections.. it is intriguing as well as interesting . A child of German Jewish refugees posted to Japan during the second world war, meets an Egyptian Jew made homeless by his compatriots, their children meet years later in Portland Oregon. I have stories of two friends of mine who did not know each other, were sitting next to each other at a dinner in Jerusalem ! on and on and on .  Am Israel Chai..

I did not know that my good friend and Endocrinology colleague is descended from a Rabbi born in Mogador. That brought me back such pleasant memories of a visit to Essaouira...


Let us wish every one in this planet, Jews and Non Jews the best for the coming year..


 As we prepare to participate, celebration may not be the right word, on this Yom Kippur, we have to keep in mind, the turbulent times some of us are living through. Nice to remember that No fascist regime has been kind to the Jews and in the USA we are on the cusp of the American Brand and we have to pray for the American people 6 million out of 330 million being Jews. we pray for all, not just the Jews.  No one can say this has not been a difficult year and let us hope that when the next Rosh Hashonnah rolls in, we will be in a happier world . I am looking forward to flying to Tel Aviv via Doha! The rapprochement with our Ishmaelite brothers is welcome. The Israeli series Tehran would be opening in USA this week and I am told that it depicts Iranian people as they deserve to be portrayed, as human being with dreams of love and affection like all of us . I also attach a saying by Mawlana Rumi who is revered not only in Iran but in much of the Islamic world.

I especially pray for the next generation of our Mischpochah.  In Oregon USA Charlotte NC Haifa Israel Bruxelles Belgium. and Panama   Stay well over the fast

saying Kaddish at the tomb of Prophet Job outside of Salalah in Oman.   Safe through the fast and the best for the coming year for all of us Israel. am israel chai

There are people in Cochin who have come into my life and have stayed; Mathew, Rocky , Biju just to mention a few. MC in KL, PT in Sri Racha, H in Xiamen, AAT in Doha

In Iran I have so many people to thank, but all gratitude would mean nothing if I do not mention NMH from Karaj. 

SD Teheran, also M..oh so many people who enlarged my love for Iran.

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