mardi 12 octobre 2021


 I enjoy my drive to work, a leisurely drive, and on reasonably deserted road, not too far from the town where I am staying.

I never get tired of looking at the scenery, no mountains but plenty of changing clouds and of course the water in the canal with its own mind of flowing.

The place where I consult has extremely strict measures in place, All the workers are vaccinated. For the eligible patients to be seen, they have to be fully vaccinated plus a negative covid test in the recent past. They have been successful in keeping the numbers of the infections down and none of the workers or patients have been infected at the workplace.

I take delight in chatting with the patients and of course examining them and explaining them, have this face to face respectful contact. It vanished with the arrival of the Virus.

From an absolutely qualitative style of clinical medicine my practice had become very quantitative in which reviewing investigations done elsewhere and contact through the telephone has become the norm. I do not like it at all.

I decided that starting next week, I will drive the 100 mile length of this road, dropping in on the homes of the patients on the way and back. May not catch all the patients in one day but in the course of one month I probably see many, the consultations taking place in the open air in the common space. 

The thunder spirits announced the arrival of rain and winds. On this stretch of land there is always very heavy rains and squalls and I made a quick exit.

I could not escape the wrath of the celestial spirits. The visibility was minimal, the rain torrential but I know this road so i drove out carefully. 

As the storm passed through, the skies cleared and then blue once again and sent calm and peace to the earth.

After every storm, look for that wonderful, all embracing, warm celestial smiles..

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