mercredi 20 octobre 2021


 It has been raining with accompanying thunder in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The State of Kerala in India is inundated floods. SriRacha, Chon Buri in Thailand has gusty winds and cloudy skies.

None of my friends from these places could send me a photo of the full moon. 

My brother has been celebrating the birthday of his twin daughters, so he sent me photos of the dinner he prepared. Seeing their faces would be like seeing the moon rise.

I was supposed to leave for Israel this weekend but unfortunately I have to postpone as the Covid restrictions are still in place. 

The first photo to arrive of the moon was from Tehran, Iran, a country which is very close to my heart, ever since I can remember.

Iranians make good friends and most of my Iranian friends live in Iran, even though there are large Iranian populations in Europe, Australia and USA/Canada.

Someone left their house, so that I can once again see the skies of Tehran and the full moon. 

To my friends in Iran, I will sing a poem from Forug Farrakhzad

I am thinking of a moon

A word in a poem

I am thinking of a spring

A phantasm in the earth

The wheat fields' lush smell

Bread's fairy tale

Innocent games and a narrow long alley lavished with acacia perfume 

I am thinking of the bitter awakening after the games, the bewilderment after the alley's end,

the lingering emptiness after the acacia perfume.

so many dreams are brewing in such different parts of the world..another night of unfulfilled dreams but with full moon for company..

Communications arrived from Haifa, Brussels, Mexico,Colombia, even Madagascar all related to the full moon from people whose faces lighted up like the moon in the sky of my heart.

I expect more photos of the moon tonight.. will add them on as they come. 

In the meantime, a word of advice from Hafez.. No educated Iranian is without the words of Hafez .. Even I look to Hafez for adivination. One of the ways the poetry of Iran developed from common folk lore into the royal court, the second was SAGHI, the dispenser of wine became the object of erotic hyperbole. Many people wonder how the muslim culture of Iran gave birth to such beautiful, passionate, erotic and debauched with wine poetry (long before the current generation of religious ones put an end to it, they do not realize that the people just do not become less passionate overnight)

here is a piece from Hafez:

O that a breath of a wind

would bring me the scented dust

from the road of my friend

would blow away the sorrows from my heart

and bring me news of the one who possesses it 

relay those uplifting words

that come from the mouth of my beloved

bring me tidings from the secret world.

and so that i might perfume my senses

with teh gentleness of your breeze

bring me a waft of my beloved's breath..

Hafez 1315/16 - 1389/90

If you have read much latin american poetry, you may find a whiff of Hafez in them, centuries removed and continents away


Because of you, in gardens of blossoming
Flowers I ache from the perfumes of spring.
I have forgotten your face, I no longer
Remember your hands; how did your lips
Feel on mine?

Because of you, I love the white statues
Drowsing in the parks, the white statues that
Have neither voice nor sight.

I have forgotten your voice, your happy voice;
I have forgotten your eyes.

Like a flower to its perfume, I am bound to
My vague memory of you. I live with pain
That is like a wound; if you touch me, you will
Make to me an irreparable harm.

Your caresses enfold me, like climbing
Vines on melancholy walls.

I have forgotten your love, yet I seem to
Glimpse you in every window.

Because of you, the heady perfumes of
Summer pain me; because of you, I again
Seek out the signs that precipitate desires:
Shooting stars, falling objects.


Tonight as the sun is going down the horizon in Miami, I would tune in to listen to Sadhguru talking about VAYUS.. the five different type of vayus. He indulges in a wide variety of philosophical thought and at times challenging and at times entertaining and also thought provoking.

The last three weeks have been very special in that life had to move from one direction to the other and an immense calm descending to the heart. Tonight is the last of the spiritual healing sessions in Cuba for me and I have felt deeply their effects.

I will prepare myself for the FULL MOON...

(add photos as they come in)

645 pm the sun is slowly setting in Miami 

Very powerful messages from Sadhguru on this Full Moon 

Sadhguru takes you one step deeper or more depending upon yourself on the path you had wanted to, listened to many erudite people in your life, but he makes it clear to understand.

In answer to a question: what should be done in this complicated world or the world as it is , he had this to say.

There is nothing wrong with the world, the sun will rise tomorrow and set on schedule tomorrow. The wrong is in the person perceiving 

He emphasizes the self, to be clean inside to face the outside world and expects the person to take responsibility for enlightening themselves., dealing with emotions such as Jealousy or Envy. People who find comfort in the Nationality (of their countries) create divisions within themselves and make their outlook very narrow.

In the future, when professions would become loosely defined, it was good to hear Sadhguru’s affirmation that any profession you do has value.

When an American says that he lives in the greatest country, I would like to gently remind him that America is only one of the greatest countries on earth, for him it might be the greatest but I have met people who live in isolated places who are very very happy.

In the West there is widely held perception that Yoga is much like a work out of the body, like jogging or going to the gym but Hatha Yoga is not only about Asanas but also to cleanse the mind and body of blemishes, to clean the body inside and outside.

Many things he said had a note of Native Indigenous wisdom to it. 

Keep away from people who bring ill feelings to you. Native Indians say: If you come across bad people, dont confront them, just go around them.  Bits and pieces (of yourself, or improving them) do not constitute the whole . Native Indians would say, four quarters do not make ONE.

Before fixing the world, if you want to experience the beauty of the world, fix yourself first.

Something he said are well known: if you are passionate about something, you will become devoted to it. Another sentence reminded me of a Sioux Prayer before entering the Inipi lodge: Be careful about what you wish for, it may come true !

Yoga means union and metaphorically if you are feeling of separation, Yoga can help you. When he said that he was not meaning personal relationships. 

Tonight's talk had special meaning for me: my passion for my work with Native People, to cleanse myself to cleanse the pain of those whom I serve, that I must go back to. 

Feeling very good at the end of the talk, I walked out of the house to catch a glimpse of the full moon.

Many friends had written, the above from Wild coast of Washington State, it is cloudy.. But all of us have one thing in common 

The full moon , this one tonight in Miami.

A special evening, felt so connected to my friends all over the world, at least some of them. 

Some philosophers, like the poets Neruda, Pessoa, Mireilles come to stay in your heart.. like one of them said: they leave a vacuum that cannot be filled. Also there are philosophers, that accompany you, like Jiddu Krishnamurty, someone I carry in my mind. here is a passage to end this wonderful day and wonderful 21 days of healing.

Thank You.

My sister in Cuba who is a Spiritual Healer wanted to see a photo of me, to decide for herself how my outer and inner selves were feeling

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