samedi 17 avril 2021


 While at the beginning of the Pandemic in 2020 and the various types of isolation that were to follow, many people, including me, welcomed the isolation and lack of intrusion when you don't need it and the chance to think and conceive ideas.

I had to cancel my trip to Europe which was to take place in April 2020, already having cancelled a trip to Cuba at the last moment (the suitcases are not unpacked even today!).  

By July it would be fine? Certainly, September? Ignored by the populist governments and leaders, the virus marched on, killing Indians in the Amazonas, energizing scientists to work towards a vaccine at electric speed..

By the end of the year, Island Fever starts seeping in. I had not seen my closest friends in Miami with whom I spend hours in conversation on a regular basis on my visits to Yuma (this northern land)..

Looking around, observing the effects, from an anthropological view, I could easily observe that the psychological effects of the Virus was universal and complete: 100 per cent of the people were suffering.

But there are some exceptions to the rule.. Cuban collective suffering in the island was similar to the other countries but individual cuban suffering was quite different from the country to the North and other compatriot countries.

During the early part of my stay in Cuba, I have the pleasure of meeting, I had the good fortune to meet Dr Jose Altschuler Gutwort, a historian of science and whose father was one of the founding members of the Original Cuban Communist party. (he was a jewish immigrant from Poland). Dr Jose said to me: If you are more concerned about yourself than the other people, you better go to the USA, it is the best place for such things, but if you are interested in other peoples rather than just yourself, you have come to the paradise, Cuba. I was quite impressed and many years later, completely came to understand the Cuban Solidarity with each other ..

My friend from Cuba wrote to me today: we may have trouble finding food but you know how the Cubans are, we help one another .

Remember what Dalai Lama had said: If you want to make others happy, be compassionate, if you want to make yourself happy, be compassionate.

After living in Miami for this year of Covid 19, for more than one year, and after meeting many ordinary cubans of Miami, I can assure you that the Cubans living in the island are far more happier than the Cubans living in Miami. 

Cuban Solidarity in the island .

Of course, the Doctors of Cuba show their solidarity with other developing countries. Can you think of a single other country which sent contingents of doctors to work in poor countries when Covid pandemic hit ? Cuban doctors and nurses have gone to at least 30 different countries to help the people.

While in Cuba, the people became more than resilient, in north america (Yuma in colloquial Cuban parlance) I can see people are falling apart. People are not nice to each other, i see them pushing ahead in lines at the supermarkets and just not being polite. Their ideas of entitlement has no meaning now and they view their loss of privilege, aided and abetted by racist governors and leaders and they begin hating every one to such an extent that in the last few months, there have been quite a few murder sprees for no reason in the land of the free ..

I thought of the happy people in the lands I normally travel to: Cambodia, Malaysia, Cochin in Kerala in India, Colombia, Argentina, Qatar, Israel.. and the happy Native people that I work with, including the Native people of USA.. Native Americans share very little, philosophically with those of the late comers and settlers. I also noticed that the covid 19 distress did not make them behave in an unfriendly fashion to their neighbours or relatives, but their lives continued blissful as before, now having more pleasure helping each other.

I respectfully thought of Wilma Mankiller, the once leader of the Cherokee Nation 

“I learned a long time ago that I can't control the challenges the creator sends my way, but I can control the way I think about them and deal with them” 
― Wilma Mankiller, Ex-Chief of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma 

I said to myself: I am not going to be drawn down by the Americans, Cubans and other immigrants around here . I will seek out those, regardless of how long they have been in Yuma, who are content, generous with their time and their thoughts and who have a compassionate nature.

this is the only way to enter the magical world that I know so well. I have seen the reality and I am not that fond of it. I have been doing vipassana meditation and i could feel the reality and understand it, but that does not mean I have to accept it. 

Reality is harsh and I will return to the magical world.

Mr Carlos, the elegant friend who loves linen suits, panama hats, and Rayban sunglasses.  we keep in touch through iMessage and Facetime .  He is a resident of Bruxelles but travels and of course neither Covid 19 nor the border closures are a problem for him, you will see why when you meet him. His last adventure was in Brasil when he fell in love with a Moça there, who broke his delicate heart..

Le Petite Poete de Côte Sauvage is a little poet that has been sprouting wisdom to me since age 3.

When it came time to say goodbye to her, the three year old philosopher said: I will not miss you, how can I miss you, when you are in my heart all the time ?

And the Little Philosopher of Cote Sauvage echoed:  if you shout, you will loose your voice

If you are not compassionate, it means I think in the mind of the little philosopher, happiness will not take root in your heart.

Tonight, reflecting my new mood, RUMI arrived, so you see, everything is related as they say in the Lakota Language, Mitakuye Oyasin..

How much I enjoyed reading the quotes from RUMI .. reflected in thoughts of a friend far away

A inspiração que você procura já está dentro de você.

Fique em silêncio e escute.


At times, I feel homeless as I have to depend upon others for accommodation.. but as my younger brother Shimon in Israel said: you have rooms waiting for you in the hearts of so many people around the world.  Toda Rabah, Shimon.

Wherever you live, be compassionate..

Happiness will follow.. 

As always, for people in my heart..

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