TONIGHT as the time to light the shabbat candles, i was overcome by strong emotions. My UmonHon brother Charlie, of the Buffalo Clan, left us on his final journey to the Other side. I pleaded with him to intercede in the world of spirits, to take pity on me and listen to me.
Then without any great difficulty, one by one the important people in my life came into view.. i felt honoured by their presence
Sister Bety had her table set in Havana Cuba..i begged the spirits to take care of the people who came into the canvas of my mind. First and foremost someone in Belgium, young and older.
After talking to my sister Bety I had a very strong sensation, the kind i used to feel entering an inipi ceremony at the sweat lodge of the umohon indians..
it was feeling a sense of power. and one uses this power to plead on behalf of others
may you all be content
my strong innocent wishes go with you
a word for my iranian friends
look at the world not with bitterness but optimism , every one is waiting for you
You do not have to be jewish for me to wish you shabbat shalom
But hope you are a good person to receive the best of the blessings on this shabbat