mardi 6 juin 2023


 When you are in Mexico, it does not take very long to realise the contribution of the indigenous people to the culture of Mexico. Unlike the predominantly protestant immigrant country of USA, the catholic migrants from Spain and elsewhere did not fight or suppress the local culture. They allowed the native population to continue their practices as long as they adopted to the Catholic religion. The migrants to Mexico adopted the food of the native people, the national dress of Mexico is adopted from the indigenous people.

The traditional Yucatecan cuisine is heavily influenced by the Mayan Indians

The waiter at La Chaya Maya, sr Juan Pablo is from a neighbouring mayan indian village 

The huipiles the ladies are wearing are of mayan origin.

In cities where there are a large number of indigenous people, the general character of the city reflect the tolerance and acceptance of the other by the indigenous people.

I am in one such city, Merida, i feel very very comfortable being here, to be among so many indigenous people, the group of people i have devoted my professional life to.

Wandering around the heat of this lovely city of Merida, i ran into a sign on a shop AMERINDIO, attracted by the name, i went in and most of the merchandise for sale was of Mexican artisan origin and a homage to the influence of the indigenous Mexican.

I saw many items that attracted my attention.

The owner is a pleasant young woman sensitive to the indigenous people of her country. There were some photos of indigenous people including the Raramuri or the running people whom i had visited along the Copper Canyon.

It is good to support enterprises rather than the touristy ones that flourish because a commercial transaction here has also some benefit to your soul.

I am an ardent fan of Mexico, a love that began when I was studying Endocrinology in Miami. I have had a chance to offer my services to an indigenous group that live in Coahuila and one of the most dedicated and unselfish medical doctors i have encountered in my travels is Dra Estela Rosales Garza who practises in Muzquiz and Piedras Negras and the principal doctor to the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe in Nacimiento, Coahuila.

Gracias doctora para cuidarlos indios kickapoo..

Indians say that coincidences do not exist. I have been thinking of the resurgence of the respect for the indigenous people (which always existed among mexican artists, think of Frida Kahlo, daughter of an austrian jewish migrant and an indigenous mother, who sympathetically portrayed the anguish of the indigenous)

i ran into a gallery with paintings which reminded me of the Indigenous people of North American that i have worked with.

it depicted the sense of spiritual guides among the indians and may our beloved Mexico become more and more human by adopting the sentiments of its original inhabitants.

As the Lakota Indians would say Mitakuye Oyasin we are all related

and in Mexico,  in the city of Merida I felt a little bit more..

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