Charshanbeh soori
When did it all begin?
The White Balloon ?
or Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia an unlikely place for an introduction?
in all monotheistic religions, man is given the supreme messenger role and a God who gives it to him, Nature and the connections to it via the natural elements Wind Air Water Fire are left out..
Give yourself to such and such God, insinuates the monotheistic religions for spiritual salvation
A Nigerian paediatrician working in a strip mall in Houston, says here church is a Wealth Transfer Instrument..
people walk over it Greece Fiji at the Beqa island
South Indian tradition carried over to Mauritius and Reunion
It was how our ancestors connected with the nature around them and many of the rituals involved SELF SACRIFICE
Now the monotheistic religions sacrifice others in their name of their G-D, whatever they call it
UmonHon Indians call it the Great Mystery because it is a mystery that cannot be known
It is the human universalistic appeal that even 1500 years after the Muslim armies marched across Persia, the Iranians of this century celebrate Charshanbeh Suri, Nowruz, Yalda to name just a few..
I remember a walk along the main street in a university town.
I remember drizzle from the Arabian sea..
I want to be back there to welcome the year 2022..
I will think of the Iranian people, they know how much i respect them and how very much I wish their suffering would come to an end.
The religion that conquered them 1500 years ago continue to pile up on them the suffering in the name of something or other, created by men in long robes and beards with their minds very safely tucked away in the 15th century..
I am thinking of them ..
This saturday will be Nowruz, more than just a New Year but so much more.. because people feel happy not because a Priest tells them to be happy or a Mullah wants them to be happy..
Being one with nature and with other human beings whether they are Iranian or not, Muslims or not.. all Iranians on Nowruz become our brothers and sisters, our mothers and our daughters and our relatives ..