lundi 22 février 2021

QUEEN ESTHER OF IRAN AND OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE*e980uo*_ga*MTkxMTgzODc3LjE2MTM5ODY2NDM.*_ga_8P5PPG5E6Z*MTYxMzk4NjY0MS4xLjEuMTYxMzk4NzU5OC40OA..&_ga=2.221434904.1839173943.1613986646-191183877.1613986643#$FL160821220

The remembrance, the festival of PURIM is upon us.

to me, the age old connection between Israel and the people of Israel and the Jews and IRAN

to be remembered

Queen Esther

A tomb of Esther and Mordechai is at Hamadan, within a mausoleum believed to have been built in the 1600s and is first attested in the 11th century. Benjamin of Tudela visited the city, in which he reckoned there were 50,000 Jewish inhabitants, and described the tomb as in front of the synagogue. Shahin Shirazi, in his 14th century Ardashir-nāmah, was the first known Persian Jew to write of the dreams of Esther and Mordechai and of a journey they made to Hamadan, stating they died in the synagogue and within an hour of each other. The narrative of Shirazi may derive from earlier Judaeo-Persian sources, now vanished

So it was good to hear that a New York Philanthropist had donated a Megillat Ester.. scroll of Esther written in Iberian peninsula in 1465 CE ie 550 years ago.. it has already been made available on line.

so for me personally it is good to remember what people in Iran are going through, with its long history of wicked kings ..

May they see yet another Queen Esther of their own to bring them liberty. 

I think each and every one of my Iranian friends, past and present and wish them all well.

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