It began with the Continental Airlines upgrading me to B/F on their flight from Houston to Paris, as I had missed their connection to New York. I didn’t mind staying over an extra day! After a few days in Paris, which was highlighted by the presence of my brother Yitzhak from Portland and his energetic and extremely amiable son, Shmulik.
Then I took off to Kuala Lumpur where a very busy schedule had been organized by my good friend MunChing: included meeting with interesting people in the Media Company, nice dinners, a garden of butterflies, a sweet Chinese lady by the name of Man Lee, a lovely Malaysian diplomat and on the last day, visit to the Cuban Embassy in KL. Also got to see some good friends from Kuala Trengannu.
The highlight of the trip was certainly the days spent in Rangoon with my sweeties from Chaungtha Beach. Thinking about their adventurous nature to come and see me in Rangoon and the generosity of William, brings a smile of contentment to my face. New friends made include a very sympathetic Indian Doctor and a very generous man who runs an Orphanage..
After a few more days in Paris, it was a nice Air France Flight to Miami, a delightful day spent in the company of my sister. Every one should have a sister like mine, so that the men/boys will understand the unselfish care of a woman and an unconditional love. We discovered a new asian fusion restaurant in South Miami and the next day I was off to the Indians.
The time spent with the Indians is soothing as it has been ever since I began visiting them, doing various medically related projects, while I was a professor of Anthropology in Havana. Indians admire Fidel very much and once during the ceremonies I heard them praying for his health, anyone who can stand up to their oppressors, they respect of course..
Now back in Paris, to consolidate some projects to be done, which has a worldwide appeal, with help from Maurits in Phnom Penh; Munching in KL; Ron in Washington State, MiHu of the UmonHon…
I have just arrived back in Paris. Looking forward to a Turkish Dinner at Derya; hope to meet another aficionado of Myanmar.. I am already very excited about my next trip.. As Air France would take me to San Cristobal de la Habana.. That city of faded portals and vibrant emotions