mardi 17 mars 2009

Pablo Neruda, Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough and Indians

there is a line from Pablo Neruda that keeps repeating itself in my head
y sabre acariciar las neuvas flores 
por que tu me ensenaste la ternura..
I am sitting at the end of the day at the clinic of the Indians
what all happens in the course of one day
work is much more social than technical in that with indigenous people technicality will not get you far, but heing human would..
i practise cultural medicine and socializing is a big part of it so that i can figure out what is happening in their bodies for which they consult me and what is happening in their lives which i extract the information of..
I think of Josie Bliss, Pablo's love in the 1920s Rangoon
the gilded pagodas the passion of Josie Bliss
now she lies restlessly on the banks of the river Irrawady
the nostalgia of something passionate lost along the way.
it is such a happy place when indians come to see you, teasing, making fun of you, laughing and sharing.
all in the midst of such poverty and suffering.
An older lady says she bought those shoes in 1950.. the man says he does eat only one meal every two days 
a young girl of 15 weighing twice as muc as me
it is so incongruous that poverty can bring you health, since you dont have money to buy bad food, you dont have a car so you walk..
A nice glass of sauvignon Blanc from marlborough region of Aotearoa..
ah well friends, americans loveable and friendly, go crazy on march 17th donning green and you can see me with a green wig at the clinic. this is the pleasure of working wth Indians.. you really can be yourself.. they teach you to be a human being because they are interested in who you are as a person not what you are as a professional
A bad person can never become a good professional, said one indian..
Avacado and Australia; KL and House of Glass; Schwedagon Pagoda and my Burmese sweeties; Paris and Home are all flickering through my mind.
Knowing me well. long ago the Indians gave me an Indian name
Ke Se Kui Te Pa
the man with his head in the clouds

So from these heights I say hello to all my old and new friends, scattered all over the world..
there is always room for more..

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