samedi 7 mars 2009

Back to the Blue House among the UmonHon

Air France Paris to Miami. a full flight, comfortable and safe flight. a little tedious, 9 h 40 minutes. five minutes for Immigration and less than one minute for Customs at Miami. They are now fingerprinting all non US citizens entering the USA.. 
A nice homecooked Jamaican meal waiting at the home of sister.. delicious.. and then a few short hours of sleep and time to go to the Land of the Indians.. the Indian Country

what all happens in such a short period of time..suddenly the air is different, the food does not taste the same, even the faces are different..
Gone are the fancy cars, well kept houses with tidy lawns... miles of fields now shivering under the cold..and suddenly you arrive at the village of the Indians..
I open the doors of the house where i stay, which we call the Blue House. An Indian patient and his wife had come during my absence and had cleaned the place up.. it was a nice feeling..

The American people in these parts are very friendly.. When I went to rent a car at AVIS the manager says to me, Have not seen you in a while? you would think they have other things to think of rather of worrying about a foreigner coming to their country once in a while.. such is their hospitality, friendliness and they are genuine when they say that..

I am looking forward to the next few days with the Indians, and believe you me, it is just like entering another time and space and i will slowly forget about every thing from that outside world, except of course Paris .. now that i have my homework to do in French...

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