Reminding people constantly about their age , tend to have detrimental effects on their longevity.
One group of hotel maids were told that their work is equivalent to going to a Gym for exercises. Compared to a group who were not encouraged this perception, the group lost more weight, and reduced blood pressure, despite no change in work capacity.
People who THINK they are less active than their peers suffer health consequences regardless of their level of exercise.
Perception of stress is more detrimental than the stress itself . The granddaddy of Stress research had told us about distress and eustress. Eustress is not detrimental to health
When asked did you sleep well, I always answer, how do I know, I feel very good . People conscious of their hours of sleep tend to do poorly in cognitive tests. Perception of good sleep has greater effect on the alertness.
People who believe that a specific gene is responsible for their symptoms, tend do poorly in administered tests
Placebo effect is a powerful phenomenon in medicine where suggestion by the doctor, sham surgery all seem to work . This has been adopted well by many clinicians who insist that the patients would get better or get better results. I have suggested to my patients that their Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar would drop at the end of my consultation and I have never been proven wrong!
Instilling a sense of control, directly or indirectly, has immense benefits to the person concerned.
What happens in our minds affects what happens in our bodies. Perception significantly affects our physical well-being