Currently the moveable feast in my life is Havana, Cuba
There are cities that I absolutely loved living in.
Melbourne, Australia
London, England
Miami. Florida (sorry I do not love you any more like I used to)
and of course PARIS..
Tomorrow I look forward to drive the 150 km on the highway with a chilled bottle of wine from France ..
Shall I take a bottle of champagne to celebrate this reunion ?
My good friend, Dr M and his gracious wife G, has a good selection of wines but as becomes of Francophiles, it is nice to start the evening off with Champers with Samosas ( Mrs G is South African).. before repairing to the outdoor eating at the Souvlaki Greek Restaurant (memories of my younger days learning to become a Foodie in that great city for food, Melbourne)and of course plenty of conversations to share ..
including our dear Paris
and our dear France..
It took me a long time to fall in love with France..
So what France teaches us is that , do not fall in love with someone when you first meet them ..
I will also be taking another golden drop from France ..
Bon Apetite ..