<iframe width="400" height="500" frameborder="0" src="https://www.bbc.com/news/av/embed/p08ynllt/54965865"></iframe>
The Video is Silent Killer Coronavirus in the Amazon
I heard from my Ticuna friends that they were also relying upon the remedies from the Forest to fight this disease. Many of the Yanomami have fled to the interior to escape the destruction, coming in from outside, in the form of humans and viruses.
Let us not close our eyes to the atrocities against the Indigenous peoples all around the world. Humans are capable of extreme cruelty, by commission and omission.
Villagers living near Auschwitz where millions of people were assassinated and incinerated, said that they did not know what was happening in that compound of death, even though they could smell the foul smell.
Let us not forget what is happening to Orang Asli in Malaysia; the Adivasi in India, Indians in many countries all over the American Continent.
We know the answers, said an elderly Indian lady to me, but the white man thinks we know nothing and we have to take up his ways.
that has brought them death and destruction and it is the herbal medicine that save the Indians who still know..
and the chief above says: If we waited for the White Man's help the situation would have been worse.
And as the other younger chief says: We always have been under attack.. and we have to protect ourselves..
I respect you and think of you, my Indian brothers and sisters and also the indigenous peoples I have visited..
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