mardi 10 septembre 2013

Medicoanthropologist Blog has crossed 100,000 page views!!

As if to celebrate the Jewish New Year 5774, I noticed that the counter of page views on this blog has passed 100,000! When you think there are millions and millions of blogs out there, it just shows you the power of Internet and the gargantuan audience out there...On the average between 150-200 people arrive at my blog per day! I am happy about that.
I write this blog for my own curiosity and to put down what I am feeling a that particular moment, since it has a lot to do with the traveling that I do. 
Most of the people arrive through Google and it is interesting to see what search terms attract the most viewers.
1. Any thing to do with natural remedies or self help attracts a huge audience
My blog on Natural Healing of Chronic Rhinitis attracts  many readers from Asia as well as Europe
2. Anything to do with Israel, Jewish-Arab relationship, Moslems attract attention. My two blogs about Bernard Lewis, the octogenarian Jewish Historian of the Middle East, thought to be the most erudite historian of Islam, gets hit very often.
3. For reasons I cannot fathom, since very few of my readers are from China, my blogs on Zheng He the greatest navigator ever lived, gets more than its share of attention. 
4. I can understand why my blogs on American Indians get attention since there is a lot of interest in American Indians.
5. By the way people are curious about what a Medical Anthropologist is.

Thank you for reading my blog!

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