samedi 20 juin 2009

What would Life be like in the Moveable Feast which was mine for Years

I am sitting at the Lounge at the Houston Airport. I am on my way to Miami and then on to La Habana. I am looking forward to being back in Havana, alas I cannot return to Baracoa on this visit. What would it be like? My friends are eagerly waiting my return, the affections have not diminished. Like Pablo Neruda says in his poem Exile.. It is I, who has changed.. Malaysia Cambodia Burma all have come into the picture with deep impressions. Paris France has sealed my heart and has put on a claim on it!
But I long for Cuba, the endless afternoons, hot and humid, like the weather I am going to experience..(todavia no es agosto, my cuban mother would say), the endless banter and so reminiscent of my days of innocence which I prolong. As a good friend Roy LLera once said.. just walking along a street in Centro Habana, you have so much to see and experience, not just the faded portals and decaying glory of the buildings..
Pico Iyer once said, Cuba enters your life and clings on. I do not know of any foreigner who has come to Cuba for a visit and has not fallen in love.. and it is a searing love, demanding love and longing and nostalgic and touches at the strings of your heart and tests your competence as a lover and a human being.
This is what I am looking forward to..Which other country puts at your disposal, such an array of intellectuals and fantastic eccentrics and human beings who tattoo themselves into your heart?
Ah well, La Vida realmente es un sueno, as Gracilosa de la Vega once said..

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